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Equity and Bully Prevention Plan



Everyone at our school is committed to making our school a safe, inclusive and equitable environment for all.  We treat each other with respect and we will refuse to tolerate inequities in any form at our school. We know that a “whole-school” approach where all stakeholders are involved in supporting our students helps create and maintain a positive school climate.

Definition of Bullying

“Bullying” means aggressive and typically repeated behavior by a pupil where,

  1. The behavior is intended by the pupil to have the effect of, or the pupil ought to know that the behavior would be likely to have the effect of,
  1. The behavior occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance between the pupil and the individual based on factors such as size, strength, age, intelligence, peer group power, economic status, social status, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, family circumstances, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, disability or the receipt of special education; (intimidation)

Bullying takes different forms of contexts with age.  It can be physical, verbal, social/emotional or through electronic means (cyber-bullying).  Bystanders contribute to bullying by doing nothing to prevent it or become actively involved in supporting it.

“Cyberbullying” includes electronic communication that:

Examples of Bullying

Safe Schools Committee

School Administrator: James Cako, Colleen Anstett and Ben McCabe

Equity Rep: School – Barb Muscat

Teacher(s): Brennan Powers, Sarah Bolton, Natalie Brown, Angela Snell, Heather Buck, Natalie Gallant

Support Staff: Bill Bulmer

Student Rep:  TBD

Parent: Teresa Bain-Parent Council

Community Partner: TBD

The role of this committee should include but is not limited to the following:

School Monitoring and Review Process

This Bullying Prevention and Inclusive School Plan was developed or reviewed by our Safe School Committee on: September 13th, 2023

Our most recent school climate survey was or will be conducted on: Winter 2022

29% of students in Grades 9-12, and 46% of staff completed our most recent school climate survey.

Data from our most recent climate (WHY) survey indicated that:

91% of students in Grades 9-12 feel very safe at school.

17% of students in Grade 9-12 identified that they have been bullied a few times at school over the last year.

27% of students in Grade 9-12 indicated that they told an adult about bullying that had occured. (2018)

76% of staff who completed the survey indicated that when steps were taken to address specific incidents

of bullying, the intervention was successful. (2018)

Training Strategies for Staff and Members of the School Community

Members of our school community will receive Bullying Prevention and Equity & Inclusive training through:

Parents/Community Communication and Outreach Strategies

We will communicate our Bullying Prevention and Equity & Inclusive strategies and initiatives by:

Bullying Prevention and Equity & Inclusive Strategies, Education Programs/Activities

Note: Our Bullying Prevention and Equity & Inclusive goal(s) are determined after analysis of the results of our school climate (WHY) survey.

School Bullying Prevention and Equity & Inclusive Goals(s):

  1. Foster a learning environment that gives all students a sense of safety and belonging so that they are empowered to take risks, explore new ideas, and take responsibility for their learning.
  2. Include the voices, stories, cultures, and histories of all the students in the classroom, their families, and the greater community.
  3. Support staff in accessing in resources to ensure teaching practice is being presented from an anti-racist and anti-oppressive stance.
  4. Increase our connection to and engagement of the parent community through communications, and parental involvement opportunities.

Bullying Prevention and Equity & Inclusive, Education Programs and Activities:

Our school currently implements or will implement the following bullying prevention and equity & inclusive education programs and activities that focus on developing healthy relationships and provide leadership opportunities for our students:

  1. Ensure classroom activities are culturally responsive.
  2. Implement Student success strategies (GAEL Awards, Credit Recovery, Open Door, Alt. Ed programming)
  3. Social skills and healthy lifestyle development (Social Worker and Child and Youth Counsellor, intramurals, clubs, activities, arts, service and sports).
  4. Student leadership and mentorship (Link Crew, Multi-Cultural Club, GCVI Black Student Association, GSA, Senate, Open Minds, etc.)
  5. Focus on building relationships in th classroom.

Bullying Prevention and Equity & Inclusive Responsibilities




Intervention Strategies

Our staff will use the following process when bullying is reported:

Acknowledge the Incident / Affirm

Gather Information / Ask Questions

Assess Safety / Make a Plan

Act / Follow-up

Reporting Incidents of Bullying

Students, parents, school staff and volunteers may use the following methods to report incidents of bullying as appropriate:

When responding to a bullying incident, our school staff uses a progressive discipline approach.  Use of Progressive Discipline supports a safe, inclusive and accepting learning and teaching environment in which every student can reach his or her full potential. Strategies may range from early intervention to more intensive intervention in cases of persistent bullying, with possible referral to board support personnel, community or social service agencies.

These may include but are not limited to:

Consequences are at the discretion of the Principal or Vice-Principal.  In the case of severe misbehavior, our format of progressive discipline consequences may be superseded.  As incidents arise, it is recognized that each situation is unique.  Mitigating circumstances will be considered for student age, frequency of incidents, nature and severity of incidents, student exceptionalities, extenuating circumstances, impact on the school climate.

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