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Student Success

At Upper Grand we recognize that each child has his or her own unique interests, goals and strengths. We believe that every student should have the same opportunity to succeed and graduate from high school.

This is why the Upper Grand District School Board is always working to improve the learning experience for all students. We share a common goal — to help all students build a promising future for themselves. 

Upper Grand District School Board has responded by focusing on:

Our Board strategy strives to include educators, parents, employers, postsecondary education and other community partners in creating engaging, safe and inclusive, learning opportunities for all students.

The primary goal of our Board’s Student Success strategy is to increase the graduation rate with all graduates having equitable access to outcomes.

The key priorities that support this anchor to effective practices that increase credit accumulation, including engaging programming, numeracy and literacy support, and safe and inclusive environments where all Upper Grand students can experience success in K-12 and beyond.

UGDSB Students will:

Student Success Pillars

Goal: Increase the graduation rate

Priorities: Increasing credit accumulation, engaging programming, and numeracy and literacy access

Outcomes: All Upper Grand students are successful within K to 12 schools, and beyond secondary school

Student Success Teams

At each school, a dedicated team that includes, at minimum, a principal, student success teacher,  guidance counselor and special education teacher provides extra attention and support for individual students who benefit.

Who are they for?

The teams are for students who are recognized, based on different factors, as ones who might benefit from additional support to engage with the learning community, with  learning and/or developing and implementing their individual pathways plan. 

How can they help?

Students have the opportunity to:


Increase the graduation rate with an emphasis on supporting equitable access to outcomes. 

Priorities: Increasing credit accumulation, engaging programming, safe and inclusive learning environments, and numeracy and literacy access

Outcomes: All Upper Grand students are successful within K to 12 schools and transition to life outside of secondary with hope and optimism.

Outline of Student Success Initiatives and Plans 

Literacy and Numeracy – two pillars of Student Success

Why do we do the work? 

We believe that:

*Adapted in part from Learning for All (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2013)

How does the work look/sound/feel? 

We take action to:

How do we measure effectiveness? We measure effectiveness by:

Community, Culture and Caring – pillars of Student Success

Why do we do the work? 

We believe that: