Holiday Concert Link Posted

Posted December 14, 2021

The link for the Google Meet Livestream for tonight’s concert has been posted in your child’s Google Classroom.  It is listed under the heading of Holiday Concert.  The show begins at 7 PM sharp on Tuesday, December 14.  Please open the link and you will see a message that asks you to wait until the broadcast begins.  This is normal.  It won’t look the same as a regular Google Meet where you see the presenter and can interact with them, but more like a television show where you’re waiting for it to play.  We look forward to having you join our Holiday Concert!

All students will also have an opportunity to view the show again with their classmates on Friday morning at 9:30 AM.  If by chance a parent is unable to make it to this event on Tuesday, they are welcome to join this link and watch (or view it again).

Please make sure that you are logged into your child’s Google Classroom to view the show.  If you are, it should have the correct permissions to access the Google Meet Livestream.  Most families are accessing the Google Classroom successfully already.  If you are having difficulties logging in, please contact the school before 4 PM today.  We are here to help.

Thanks to our staff and students for their hard work on this amazing show!

Mr. Boyce

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