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A message from the student trustees to grade 8 students and high school graduates

June 10, 2020

The UGDSB student trustees would like to present the Grade 8 and high school graduates of 2020 with the following: 

The end to this school year has turned out to be quite different from what we were expecting! Leaving our schools so suddenly in March meant missing out on important in-person activities, events and goodbyes.

Change can be challenging, but your resilience will get you through it. We are learning that no matter how large or small the obstacles in life may be, we can, ​and will,​ persevere.

Even though we didn’t get the time at school this spring that we expected, it is so important to reflect on​ ​all of our experiences over the past years. We encourage focusing on the smiles and celebrations; failures leading to accomplishments; time spent with friends and family and all of the other positive memories you have made. Reflect on how much you have grown. Building soft skills, resilience, connections and knowledge, will help you in your promising future. Apply what you know and help promote positive change in the world! As you cross this bridge into your new path, take the time to thank those who have supported you in growing as a student and a person.

So, from us to you, the graduates, we extend our congratulations for your phenomenal accomplishment!

Amelia Luff and Nathalie Alaves
UGDSB Student Trustees

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