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Creative writing pieces by John F. Ross CVI students featured in Guelph publication

October 20, 2020

GUELPH, Ontario – Students from John F. Ross Collegiate Vocational Institute had the opportunity to have their work featured in the Guelph Mercury Tribune.

The students in Meaghan Mazurek’s Writer’s Craft class were invited to submit pieces of creative writing about their school experiences to the publication.

The class produced 21 pieces, Mazurek selected a top 6 list, and the class voted on which ones to submit to the Mercury Tribune.

The purpose of the publication’s series was to highlight parts of the school experience through first-hand accounts by students, sharing student voice.

According to the Mercury Tribune, initially they were only going to publish one or two stories, however they decided to run three stories from the students, based on the strength of the writing.

You can read the creative works by clicking on the links below.

Part 1: ‘Green Tape’ by Stephanie

Part 2: ‘Frozen in Time’ by Lilly

Part 3: ‘Smile with Your Eyes’ by Abby–smile-with-your-eyes-high-school-in-a-pandemic-as-seen-by-guelph-students/

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