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Notre voyage à St. Donat – Students write about their trip to Québec

February 20, 2018
(Updated February 23, 2018)

GUELPH, Ontario – Each year, students and teachers from the Upper Grand District School Board travel to Quebec to immerse themselves in French culture and language.

Between February 11 and 14, 45 students and five teachers from UGDSB schools travelled to St. Donat, Québec.

Students on the trip included those taking part in Core French or French Immersion. The students on the trip were from Centennial CVI, Centre Wellington DHS, Erin DHS, Guelph CVI, Orangeville DSS and Wellington Heights SS.

Two grade 9 students from Centennial CVI wrote about their experience in both English and French.

St Donat 2018 Groupe

Notre Voyage À St. Donat

By: Jamie and Fiona
Grade 9 Core French Students – CCVI

Notre voyage à St. Donat était fantastique! Nous avons rencontré des nouveaux amis et nous avons eu les nouvelles expériences avec eux. Nous avons fait des jeux, de la musique, du ski de fond et plus!

We not only got to ski, but we were immersed in the québécoise culture. It was a great way to put everything that we have learned in French class into different case scenarios. I find that the area in French that I am the worst at is listening because of how people speak at different speeds and have different accents. Being in St. Donat with everyone speaking French let me improve my listening from lots of practice. We were pushed to come out of our shells by speaking French and participating in different activities, and we were also welcomed by all of the employees from Perspectives.

Chaque nuit nous avons mangé un dîner fantastique et après ça une spectacle avec beaucoup d’énérgie! Les spectacles ont été fantastiques parce que ils ont été en français, alors nous avons eu la chance de pratiquer notre français. Ce voyage était très amusant parce que nous avons fait beaucoup d’activités comme faire du patinage, faire de la raquette, faire du tubing et plus!

Everything that we did had a lesson or something that we could take from it, making the activities unforgettable! For example, while snowshoeing we learned about the stars and different constellations.

Our ski trip to St. Donat was a trip that we will never forget! It let us learn new things, practice speaking in French, ski, [participate in] lots of activities and [have] so much fun! Due to this trip, we now have more friends and memories! We would definitely recommend this trip to friends at school because it was an unforgettable trip experience that let us improve our French, our skiing and more.

Thank you to everyone that contributed to making our time amazing such as employees from Perspectives, our bus driver, and most of all, our teachers.

By: Lizzie
Grade 12 French student – Erin DHS

On February 11, 2018, 45 French students in the Upper Grand District School Board embarked on the athletic and linguistic trip of a lifetime!  

The four days in the beautiful Saint Donat, Quebec were packed full of high-action activities such as skiing/snowboarding, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, skating, tubing, and outdoor games.  

Students also got a taste for the culture by visiting the nationally acclaimed bakery in the heart of the village, and participating in French language, music, and ecology workshops.  

The perspectives moniteurs (tour guides) were amazingly energetic as usual, and ensured that the students thoroughly enjoyed their French Immersion travel experience.  

This annual voyage inspires many students to maintain their second language, and gives them the confidence to use the skills they have learned in class in a positive atmosphere.  

Alors, à la prochaine St. Donat; et vive l’hiver!

By: Abby
Grade 10 Core French student – Wellington Heights SS

St. Donat is a sensational trip that allows you to deepen and expand your knowledge of the French language. I went on the trip last year, and I could not wait to go back!

I had only skied a handful of times at Hockley Valley Ski Resort before I went on the trip last year. The instructors at Ski Mont Garceau were friendly and helped me to improve in both my ski technique and French skills.

You also get to participate in a variety of outdoor activities such as alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and skating. We [students] also got to go on a scavenger hunt type excursion around the town and speak to some locals that worked in the stores.

One of my favourite parts of the trip is to visit La Boulangerie, St-Donat; they have the best desserts including a “chocolatine” which is heavenly.

This trip is incredible and I believe anyone from beginners to pro skiers/snowboarders would enjoy it! I will definitely come back next year and hope to continue to improve my French!

By: Taryn
Grade 10 Core French student – Wellington Heights SS

Pendant le voyage à Saint-Donat je me suis beaucoup amusée.

Le trajet en autobus était très long, mais j’ai parlé avec mes amies. À Saint-Donat j’ai aimé le ski alpin, le ski de fond, la raquette et la piste de luge. La piste de luge était ma favorite parce que c’était différent et je me suis beaucoup amusée avec mes amies.

Pendant le voyage j’étais très fatigué, mais c’était très amusant que j’ai oublié la fatigue que j’avais chaque jour. De plus, j’ai trouvé les talents des personnes de Saint-Donat.

Ce que j’ai trouvé très intéressant était le français que j’ai utilisé à Saint-Donat.  J’ai pratiqué beaucoup et j’ai besoin de parler plus en classe d’apprendre les nouveaux mots.

Le voyage était très amusant et j’ai beaucoup aimé le voyage!

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