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Students at FA Hamilton PS participated in virtual pond tour

June 9, 2020

GUELPH, Ontario – Kindergarten students at Fred A Hamilton Public School recently had the opportunity to learn about pond life through a virtual tour.
Caroline Junemann is a Designated Early Childhood Educator at the school who thought her students would enjoy a ‘hands-on’ learning experience while they learned about pond life.
Junemann decided to take her camera out to the forest near her home, which is home to a seasonal pond, and do some filming so that her students could enjoy the pond and learn about its creatures.
Through the photos and video that Junemann took, students had the chance to watch mosquito larvae and fairy shrimp. They observed and learned about the setting and nature around the pond, and even got to hear the sounds of the pond at night. After listening to the sounds of the pond, students guessed that many of them were made by frogs, which lead them to learning about the lifecycle of a frog.
This virtual field trip sparked a lot of curiosity in students and as a result, many students drew pictures of the creatures they had seen in the pictures and videos.
Students were so interested in this learning that Junemann hopes to be able to share more ‘hands-on’ virtual experiences with her class. ​
Virtual Pond Tour FA Hamilton

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