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UGDSB celebrates Waste Reduction Week

October 22, 2021,

 GUELPH, Ontario — This past week, schools had the opportunity to incorporate Waste Reduction Week (WRW)  into their curriculum.

Waste Reduction Week’s primary purpose is to celebrate the environmental efforts and achievements we do as a collective — while encouraging new innovative ideas and solutions. The program’s educational resources and call-to-action messaging empowers all Canadians to adopt more environmentally aware choices. 

During the week some teachers integrated resources given on the WRW website that included: teacher toolkits, videos and action ideas. 

The resources given can also be incorporated throughout the school as a way to stay committed to waste reduction. Many schools in the Upper Grand DSB have received their EcoSchool Certification, in their mission to reduce waste.

“We strive to get as many UGDSB schools in our board certified as an EcoSchool. We also have many programs and supports to encourage an ongoing focus on waste reduction throughout the year’,” said elementary curriculum leader, Heather Walker. 

Schools can apply for the EcoSchool Certification by undertaking environmental actions, campaigns, and projects, and then recording them in the online EcoSchools Certification Application. 

This week, Marissa Ren, the programmes coordinator for Wellington County, spoke to grades 1-8 about the seven themes for Waste Reduction Week: textiles, circular economy, e-waste, swap and repair, food waste, sharing economy, and plastics. After each presentation, the students brainstormed concrete ways they could reduce waste at home and school. 

Being mindful of unnecessary purchases, limiting food waste and donating outgrown clothes or items are just some of the ways you and your child can practice waste reduction at home. 

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