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UGLearnGreen: Make the Earth better by wearing a sweater

Throughout the school year, the Upper Grand District School Board shares tips and resources that help UGDSB students and staff celebrate our planet. Additional information on environmental initiatives in the UGDSB can be found on the board website.  

Celebrate National Sweater Day this winter!

National Sweater Day is a way to learn about the importance of saving energy and to inspire you to use less energy all winter.

Heating accounts for 80% of residential energy use in Canada. If all Canadians lowered their thermostats by just 2 degrees Celsius this winter, it would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 4 megatons – that’s equivalent to taking nearly 700,000 cars off the road.  National Sweater Day is about thinking differently about how we use energy, where our energy comes from and how we can play an important role in fighting climate change by using energy wisely. It is designed to help raise awareness about renewable energy and change behaviours around energy consumption in Canada. 

Ideas for your family to celebrate Sweater Day


See how UGDSB students and staff are making a difference for the environment: #UGLearnGreen

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