Thank You and Busing Arrangements

Posted October 6, 2020

Hello again!


First of all, we would like to congratulate all the parents and guardians who have been screening diligently, following the public health guidelines, and then calling in to report their child’s absence. We had 21 absences yesterday and Mrs. Kent only had to follow up and call one parent. Wow, that’s incredible!

These are exceptional times. Our primary focus will be to keep everyone safe. Your extra effort and care during this pandemic is appreciated so very much. For up to date information, feel free to go to

As flu season approaches, it will be difficult to determine what is the most appropriate action to take. One step is to have the flu shot to try to mitigate that one variable. I had mine last night, given by a pharmacist. Hopefully you will have time to have it done as well.


As you know, we have been piloting a different process for loading and disembarking at the school. Those of you driving your children have kindly continued to park on the Fifth Line and walking in with your children. That has been very helpful. Thank you!

Since it has gone so well, it will become a permanent arrangement. Shortly, contractors will be eliminating some lines and also painting new ones for extra parking. This will allow those folks driving their children to park in an allocated space, which will allow the bus to move around their circuit unimpeded. To remind you of the way they are pulling in, I have attached the schematic.

Bus Parking Plan October 2020

It is hoped the lines will be completed within the next week or so. Please do continue to take safety precautions and to be certain to walk with your children until they are off of the parking lot.

Thanks again,

Paul Tribe, Principal

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