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Semester 2 for UGDSB secondary students begins in February 2nd, 2022 

Upper Grand District School Board secondary schools (both in-person and the Secondary Remote Program) will return to a regular timetable for Semester 2, where students take four courses per day. 

Recently, the Ministry of Education confirmed that school boards are permitted to transition to a regular secondary school timetable, with the support of their local public health unit. The UGDSB has received Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health’s support in returning to a regular timetable for Semester 2. 

Recognizing that Grade 9 and 10 students may have only attended school in a quadmester model, secondary school staff are prepared to support students in the transition to a semester model.

Semester 2 begins on February 2 and runs until June 29, 2022. The full Semester 2 Calendar is posted on the board website at: 

GCVI- Semester 2 Daily Schedule

Daily Schedule



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