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School Council By-Laws

As outlined in Government Regulations 612 and 613 and by the Ministry of Education handbook and the Upper Grand District Handbook for School Councils.

These by-laws may be amended by a consensus of GCVI School Council members.

Role of School Councils

School Councils are mandated to be advisory bodies only and decision-making is by consensus. In the rare occasion that a decision cannot be reached then a vote will take place with the majority of members’ present making the decision – principal does not have a vote.

Through active participation of parents, a School Council will work to improve pupil achievement and enhance accountability of the education system to parents.

A school council may make recommendations to the principal of the school or to the Board on any matter.

Membership Structure

Applications for Membership Structure:

Other Membership Details:

Membership list will only be available to council members.




Principal’s Responsibilities (as outlined in Government regulations 613)

Membership Responsibilities

Meeting Structure

Other Council Guidelines


Standing committees will be formed as the need/opportunity arises at the discretion of the current council.

Conflict of Interest

Conflict Resolution