Monthly Environmental Activities to help celebrate our planet

Posted May 2, 2022

Celebrate Biological Diversity Day on May 22nd!

The United Nations has proclaimed May 22 The International Day for Biological Diversity to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues.

Biodiversity simply means: ‘A wide range of life’” Some of the things we do are harmful, so we need to learn more about how to protect all the different types of life on our planet.

Ideas for your family to celebrate Biodiversity Day!

  • Visit farmers markets in your local area to try new types of produce. Whether you incorporate heirloom tomatoes into your cooking, or try one of the rainbow of colors of carrots, biodiversity can bring a great new experience to your table.
  • View photos of endangered species on the Internet with your child and discuss the reasons why these animals are threatened and why they should be protected.
  • Join a community group and help to remove invasive plants from your local environment. 
  • Get out into the world and enjoy all the different types of life your local area offers. Even your street or a local park can have an amazing variety of life you’ve never noticed, from insects, birds, chipmunks, to trees and flowers.
  • Consider planting a pollinator garden in your yard (or in a flowerpot) to help save the bees and butterflies from declining.

Celebrate the diversity of our natural world every day!

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