Wednesday, April 22nd – Morning Announcements

Posted April 22, 2020

Bonjour tout le monde. Aujourd’hui c’est mercredi le 22 avril, 2020. Si le monde nous attend, qu’est-ce que nous allons le montrer? If the world is waiting for us, what are we going to show it?

Today, let’s show we can learn about our interests. For example, today is Earth Day. If nature and the environment is something that interests you, today is a fantastic day to find something special to learn. Why not check out the Guelph Arboretum website? For older students, look at the Arboretum Explorer and for younger students, check out the quizzes and activity book.

Take a photo or write a comment, then tweet it @kinggeorgeps or send it to [email protected]

Reminder to parents: Please complete our Distance Learning Survey at  We’ve had nearly 100 families respond already! Thanks for helping us plan for what you need.

Have a great day, King George!

Categories: News