Welcome Back Paisley Families!

Posted September 10, 2020

It was great to see the kids today even if it was mostly from behind a mask. We missed their twinkling eyes these last six months.
Congratulations on an excellent first day:
  • Most students arrived just before the bell
  • Students knew who their teachers were and where to line up
  • parents stayed on the pavement
  • Water bottles and litterless lunches were evident
  • Students wore their masks consistently (and what fun masks we saw!)
  • Students were respectful of others’ space, mostly keeping two metres apart
Our Paisley Families have been very supportive, and we appreciate it.
We also want to recognize the superlative effort of our staff over the past couple of weeks. They have worked hard to ensure classrooms are setup with social distancing and have contacted families to communicate important information. Class lists have been made and remade to support family choices around on site or remote learning. The school has been carefully cleaned with excess furniture being removed from classes. Thanks to staff who have risen to the occasion with confidence and professionalism.
There will be bumps along the way, however we have started well and will problem solve as needed.
Paisley Panthers rock!
As a reminder, forms and agendas are being sent home. Please complete and return as soon as possible.
Randal Wagner and Sheena Grinwis.

Categories: News