Sept 23rd Updates (Parking concerns/Pizza Reminder/Calling in Absences)

Posted September 23, 2021

Firstly, we’re noticing that some folks are not following Town of Orangeville signage when it comes to parking.  It is so important to follow the parking guidelines in order to keep sightlines clear for drivers and to keep our students safe.  Parents/guardians should not enter the front parking lot during dismissal time as our buses need a clear path.  Thank you everyone for your immediate attention to this.  Next, a friendly reminder that tomorrow is picture day – so pack those smiles!  Pizza orders can still be made online until Monday at midnight.    Finally, when calling in your child’s absence, please do so by 8:30 AM.  When giving the reason for the absence, indicate if they’re absent due to an appointment or if they haven’t passed the Ontario School daily screening tool.

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