March 24, Division Strategies

Posted March 24, 2020

Division Strategies

Interesting that this week’s blog is on the last part of the UGDSB Math document – division. AS we have ended our March Break, we find ourselves “divided” into our separate spaces. I have even divided my day into scheduled parts as I try to structure my time and keep to a schedule, working from home.

I imagine that students, parents and caregivers are finding things really hard with such unprecedented happenings in our community.

I have divided my day into parts and tasks as this will help give me structure and some degree of normalcy as I try to stay home and isolate! Keep up the good, hard work, your #physicaldistance and #socialdistancing!

We will get through this – together, but ironically, apart.

In an effort to help maintain some regular things happening, I decided to do my blog to finish the math strategies and, as mentioned, end with division.

The concept of division starts with the idea of “fair sharing”. In other words, children learn that you can start with a group of objects, like toys, and decide on how they will be shared fairly (equally).

Mr. Keesmaat is having a birthday party and inviting 5 friends. He has 30 cars. How many should each friend get? (The answer can be both 5 and 6 and it is interesting to discuss the thinking as to why).

Click on this link to view my video showing how to use the sharing strategy with homemade base ten and hundreds manipulatives for a more “Junior Division” problem. Happy dividing!


Categories: NewsPrincipal's Blog