News & Announcements
Parent Information: Monitoring and Managing COVID-19
The UGDSB would like to remind all parents that they have an important role to play in preventing COVID-19 in our schools.
Reminder to parents: Please screen children every day before coming to school
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health and the school board would like to remind all parents/guardians that they are to screen their children every day for COVID-19 symptoms, prior to coming to school.
Letter to parents from Public Health – back to school
A letter to parents/guardians from Dr. Nicola Mercer, Medical Officer of Health and CEO of Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health.
Walking to School!
CHANGE! Parking Lot will be for staff and buses ONLY! There will be no access for student drop off! This is for the safety of all of our children and to help the environment! If you cannot walk from home, please park on a side ...IMPORTANT: New schedule for staggered entry
In order to ensure the safety of students and to provide additional time for staffing schools, the Upper Grand District School Board’s schedule for staggered entry has changed.
IMPORTANT: Reopening models for UGDSB schools posted online
The school board has posted information about the reopening models for UGDSB elementary and secondary schools. The overviews contain important information including model structure for conventional and remote learning, sample schedules, remote learning expectations and more.
Introducing back to school parent/guardian webinars
Parents/guardians, join our mental health clinicians as they discuss different issues and strategies to support your child’s return to school success.
Reopening Schools: Parent Guide and Pre-Registration survey released
The school board has released a Parent Guide with information about the reopening of schools in September, and a Pre-Registration Survey for all UGDSB families. All students must pre-register for school by the August 14, 2020, deadline.
Letter from the Minister of Education (July 30, 2020)
The Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce, has written a letter to all Ontario parents/guardians regarding the province’s announcement on the reopening of schools in September.
UGDSB seeking applicants for Police Presence in Schools Task Force
During the June 23 Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees created a motion to create a Police Presence in Schools Task Force. As part of this task force, the UGDSB is seeking applications from community members and/or individuals.
IMPORTANT: Parents and students asked to complete survey by July 10
The Upper Grand District School Board is asking all parents/guardians (K-12) and students in grades 7-12 to complete a survey regarding the fall restart of school.
Letter from the Director to parents/guardians and students (June 26, 2020)
A letter to UGDSB parents/guardians and students as the 2019-2020 school year comes to a close.
Fire Safety Video from Ian Hickey Gifted screening in fall 2020 postponed
Please note that CCAT screening for grade 3 students in the fall of 2020 will be postponed until 2021.