Special Class Placements in the UGDSB

Posted October 26, 2020

Students who require special education programs and services receive support through the classroom teacher and the special education resource teacher at their home schools. However, in some circumstances, students can be referred to a special education class placement where focused instruction in the area of need is provided. These classes have smaller numbers and can provide targeted instruction to meet student needs. In elementary there are four specialized class placements for the following exceptionalities: Learning Disability, Mild Intellectual Disability/Language-based Learning Disability, Developmental Disability (Intellectual Disability), and Intellectually Gifted.  Students need to have a diagnosis of exceptionality before they can be eligible for class placement, and parents and the school team should feel like the placement would best meet the student’s learning needs.  Contact your school team if you would like to have more information on special class placement options.

Special Class Placement


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