School Council Agenda for December. 2020

Posted November 19, 2020

School Council Meeting ~Wednesday, December 2,2020 AGENDA

1) Login: 6:50-7:00

Please email [email protected] for a link to our meeting

2) Welcome and introductions: 7:00 – 7:05

3) Information items: 7:05 – 7:15

Chair: We have had great meetings to start this new academic year, with lots of amazing support for our teachers and students approved by our Council. Last month we were able to provide funding to the Forest of Reading, a program loved across Victory. Thanks to Heather Sabinsky for bringing this proposal forward, we were very happy to help continue to offer this program for our Victory students. At our last meeting we also had a great discussion initiated around both helping connect Victory with the community through donation opportunities, as well as bringing some of the crafting cheer traditionally found during this time of year at Victory. Kristine Kozicki is heading this up working with Beth-Ann and Jillian, we look forward to hearing updates on these exciting projects! We still have two positions to fill on our Council: Vice Chair and Secretary. If you are interested in these positions we look forward to hearing from you, and please spread the word to your Victory friends. Thanks to everyone that has attended our meetings to this point and we look forward to welcoming all new and returning faces at our December meeting!

Principal:   Thank you for your generosity!  We are looking forward to the Forest of Reading Books to arrive (this will likely be in January). Staff are very excited about the voice amplifiers and microphones.  They are being used on a regular basis and are helping to keep our teacher’s voices healthy!  We are talking about having 2 spirit days (Dec. 4 and 11) where students may donate a toonie to a charity.  Our staff member will contact Kristine to see if this might mesh with School Councils thoughts about connecting Victory with the community through donations. I am also excited to share about our continued Equity work through our UnLearn Activity and our Bullying Awareness Activity!


4) Action items 7:15-7:30

5) Newsletter: Carla has graciously offered to include Council Newsletter items in communication via the school website.

Categories: News