October, 2021 Newsletter

Posted September 29, 2021

Victory Newsletter for October, 2021

Message From Principal

Principal’s Message

It is hard to believe that the month of September has come and gone! The temperature in our building is more pleasant and our students are experiencing amazing learning opportunities both in the classroom and in the community.

We were also very thankful to have a number of parents come out to our first School Council meeting!  Council is already mapping out exciting events for the year ahead.  If you are interested please join us virtually on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm.  Please contact Jason McAlister to receive an invite to the meeting.

Our Character Ed. Assembly this month is on the topic of gratitude and it will take place on Oct. 8thth.

Open House

Our Virtual Open House will take place on Friday, October 1st.  Please visit your child’s Google Classroom to see the Open House Slideshow that has been prepared for your viewing.

Terry Fox Run

On Wednesday, September 29th our students participated in the Terry Fox School Run for cancer research!  Thank you to all who sent in “a Toonie for Terry.”  Together we can make a lasting difference!

Terry Fox

Safety Patrols

Our street patrols have recently been trained (or re-trained) by Officer Sherry, our City of Guelph Police Safety Officers. Patrollers have been doing an excellent job of arriving on time at their posts and crossing families safely as they walk to school. We remind parents that our patrollers are on duty before and after school but not during nutrition breaks. If you are walking your child to school please cross with the patrols.  Please also be conscious of signs indicating where you can and can’t park.  It is very difficult for patrols to see if the road is clear if cars are parked in the no parking areas.  Please also be aware that cars are not to park in the bus zone on either side of the street on the Powell side of the school.

Patrol Vest


Students will be participating in special activities on Thursday, October 28, 2021. Students are invited to wear black or orange or make something black or orange at school that they could wear.


Student Accident Insurance

This is a reminder that the student accident insurance information was sent home during the first week of school.  Under the Education Act, the Board is empowered to make available an Accident and Life Insurance Program for students.  This year families have a choice between two Providers for the purchase of Student Accident Insurance.  Both Providers offer a variety of plans and benefits at affordable annual prices.

INSUREMYKIDS @ www.insuremykids.com or call toll free 1-800-463-5437 or

STUDYINSURED @ www.studyinsuredstudentaccident.com or call toll free 1-833-560-0527.

Visiting the School

Due to COVID-19 we are unable to have visitors to the school.

Report a Bully – On-Line Reporting Tool

As part of our Safe Schools policy, the Upper Grand District School Board has launched an on-line tool that can be used to report incidents of bullying. Reports that are made through the web-site are forwarded to the Principal of the school for follow-up. The web address is: www.ugdsb.on.ca/stop-a-bully

Please also take a moment to review our updated Bully Prevention Plan that is located on our school website under the Resource tab.



When you visit the school or pick up children, please don’t park on the school side of Clarke Street. You can park across the road at Exhibition Park. During school hours, vehicles should never drive onto the playground area.


Smoke–Free Environment

The Upper Grand DSB provides a smoke-free environment for its students, staff and others while on school Board property, in accordance with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act.  This policy refers to all forms of tobacco, and any processed form of tobacco that may be smoked, inhaled or chewed, including e-cigarettes.

Smudging is the tradition of using sacred smoke from sacred medicines (e.g., tobacco and sage) that forms part of the indigenous culture and spirituality.  Smudging is allowed in schools under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act.  Parents will be informed using the school’s usual forms of communication when smudging is going to occur in our school.  Participation by staff and students is optional in a smudging ceremony.

Smoke Free

Pediculosis (Head Lice)

The presence of head lice continues to be a community problem. They do not cause disease and they don’t result from a lack of cleanliness, but they are certainly a nuisance.  The control of head lice requires the cooperative effort of parents, school personnel and health officials.  Parents are responsible for meeting their child’s personal well-being, health and safety needs.  This includes treating your child’s hair (if head lice have been found), checking for nits daily for two weeks after the treatment, and notifying the school that treatment has been carried out.

Victory Newsletter on the Web

In an effort to reduce the amount of paper we use we will continue to post our school newsletter on our school website. This newsletter and calendar will be available by the last Friday of each month at: www.ugdsb.on.ca/victory.

School Council Meeting, Wednesday, October 6, 2021

1) Login: 6:20-6:30
Please email [email protected] for a link to our meeting
2) Welcome and introductions: 6:30 – 6:35
3) Information items: 6:35 – 6:50
Chair:  Thanks to everyone that attended our first meeting of the new school year in September!
We look forward to a great year and tackling our budget this month. If you have topics to discuss
this month, please include them in our agenda below. Thanks everyone!                                       

Principal: October 2021 Highlights                                                                                                             


4) Budget 6:50-7:20
Traditionally our Council budget would be set for the upcoming school year before the conclusion of the previous school year. However, given the uncertainty at the end of the school year, we were not able to confidently set a budget. Therefore, we will be discussing and setting our budget at this
Although fundraising was not possible last year, and we are unsure if our traditional fundraising
events will be possible this year, we will be doing our best to include items in our budget that our
Council has funded in past years.
Budget considerations (based on conversations during June meeting):
DanceEd funding?
Equity books? (replace books selected)
Agendas? (or other use for PIC money? PIC money is for family / Parent engagement)
PIC may have suggestions on how the money could be spent
5) Discussion items
Land Acknowledgement: 7:20-7:30
Child centered
Andrea Dube-Goss and Jessie Buchanan brought it to Council last year
Glenda Klein: Contact at the Board
We want to keep this conversation going!
6) Newsletter:
Carla has graciously offered to include Council Newsletter items in communication via the
school newsletter or website. 

School Council

Toonie Tuesday – November 2, 2021

On Tuesday, November 2 please donate $2 to the Upper Grand Learning Foundation’s Free to Achieve Fund!  With your donation we can help students in our community with basic needs.   Bring your donation to Victory Public School.

Upper Grand Learning Foundation (UGLF) is a registered charity that raises money to help students in the Upper Grand District School Board access needs and activities both in school and outside, regardless of income.

For more information, ask your principal or visit the UGLF website at www.uppergrandlearningfoundation.com

Toonie Tuesday

Participate in International Walk to School Day on October 6th 2021!

 A walk outdoors is good for our hearts and minds!

In October we celebrate “active travel” by encouraging students to walk or bike between home and school, or to actively travel as much as they can in their local environments.

“In the ParticipACTION Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card, the overall grade for children remains at a D- for the third year in a row. Overall, only 9% of 5-17 year olds are getting the 60 minutes of heart-pumping activity they need each day. And sadly, only 24% of 5-17 year olds are walking/wheeling/rolling to school. Our tendency to constantly watch over them or keep them indoors to ensure they are safe from risk limits their opportunities for physical activity, endangering their long-term health.”  http://www.saferoutestoschool.ca/

4 ways that walking, biking or rolling can benefit kids    

by Katherine Martinko

  • Outside activity is known to improve academic performance.Children that have had some outside time in the morning arrive brighter and more alert for their first morning class. 
  • Walking gives children good life experience.It’s an opportunity for them to be independent, think responsibly, and make decisions for themselves. Some children feel less anxiety about being at school when they know how to get home.
  • Walking gets children outdoors– and, according to Richard Louv, who wrote about Nature Deficit Disorder, kids certainly aren’t spending enough time outside these days. Find opportunities for your child to get outside and get moving by walking, biking, skipping, or rolling too!
  • Walking/biking/rolling provides daily exercise for children.Obesity rates have skyrocketed in North America, so incorporating physical activity into a child’s daily routine is a good place to start fighting it.

Encourage your children to get outside and get active!






































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