Grade 2 student writes book about helping the environment

Posted February 20, 2024

Grade 2 student writes book about helping the environment

February 20, 2024 

GUELPH, ON – A second grade student at the Elementary Remote Learning Program named Jacob is making a positive impact within his school and local community through his writing and commitment to environmental conservation.  

Jacob At A Park

As a young author and advocate for the environment, Jacob has written a book detailing his experience as an “eco-hero” in Guelph’s Sunday Park Pick Ups program. 

In his book, The Adventures of the Eco Heroes, Jacob shares his journey from a nervous newcomer attending his first pick up in Deer Path Park, to a caped and confident eco-hero determined to make his community a cleaner and greener place, one park at a time.  

He shares how the Eco Heroes aren’t just caring, community-minded kids but also resourceful and inventive. He writes about some of the cool ideas they’ve come up with, like using a shopping cart dubbed the “trash mobile” to haul heavy bags of waste and creating fun games like Trash Pickup Bingo to make their cleanups more enjoyable. Jacob reveals that it took him seven months to find the final item, a pencil, to complete his bingo card.

Jacob Bingo Card

Jacob’s storytelling has captivated his classmates and inspired them to take action. He hopes that his story will encourage even more students to join Guelph’s Sunday Park Pick Ups program or become eco heroes in their own communities. 

Great job, Jacob! 

Jacob's Book

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