EJ Reorganization Sept 11-15 2023 Letter for Parents

Posted September 12, 2023

Dear EJPS Parents/Guardians,


As promised, I am writing to update you on the status of our tentative school organization. In order to balance class sizes, adhere to caps, and eliminate split classes where possible the UGDSB District Staffing Committee has approved the following reorganization plan found in the chart below. Although we will be moving a total of 42 students into new classes this week, our new confirmed organization is a great improvement in that it will eliminate three split classes and reduce the class sizes of two very large junior classes. In the long run, these classroom changes will benefit the learning environment for all students. 


Yesterday, our staff held meetings to discuss and choose which 42 students to move to the new classes. In some cases the discussion was an easy one as entire grades of split classes are being moved as a whole to join another class to form a straight class. In other cases, staff considered which students to move based on their ability, personality, productive and supportive learning friendships, learning style, and behaviour. Class building is a lengthy process that is given a great deal of thought by the staff. Thank you for recognizing that we do our very best for each and every student.  As a result, we will not be taking any class placement requests for September 2023. 


Our new reorganization will take effect on the morning of this Thursday, September 14th. Our plan for reorganization is as follows. Later today, any parents of students that are being moved will be notified via email about the specific details. We will not share the news about the reorganization with the students today and until parents have had a chance to share the news with their own children first. Therefore, we ask those parents of the affected students to take some time this evening to have a supportive conversation with their child to help prepare them for the reorganization. Below is a point form explanation of how we will work together to communicate and prepare for the reorganization. 


Tuesday > M Cutz sends mass email to school community and individual emails to affected families. Parents discuss the changes with their children. M Cutz sends a robocall to ensure all parents read the email entitled “Important Information about School Reorganization”. 


Wednesday morning > M Cutz visits affected classes to answer student questions and provide reassurance.


Wednesday afternoon > Teachers will coordinate moves in and out with the other associated classes so students’ desks and hook areas are settled for the next morning.


Thursday morning > Affected students meet their new teachers in their new homebase on the tarmac at arrival. Our new school organization takes effect. 


Once again, thank you for your support and cooperation during this reorganization process. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at [email protected]


Yours in partnership,  Olivier Cutz (Principal)

EJ Reorganization Sept 11-15 2023

Class  Teachers Class 


Reorganization New Class 


KA  Mme Crawford 

Mme Szabo ECE

28 No Changes NA
KB Mme Forbes 

Mme Teasdale ECE

27 No Changes NA
KC Mme Connell 

Mme Andrews ECE

28 No Changes NA
1A Mme Kavanagh 19 No Changes NA
1B Mme Stolfi  18 No Changes NA
1/2C Mme Prilesnik  16 Adding 3 Gr.2 students 19
2A Mme White  16 Adding 4 Gr.2 students 20
2/3B Mme Popivicu 16 Moving 7 Gr.2 students

Adding 10 Gr.3 students

**Will become a straight Gr 3 class

3/4A M Remillard  22 No Changes NA
3\4C Mme Anselmini-Lofton  23 Moving 10 Gr.3 students

Adding 10 Gr.4 students

**Will become a straight Gr 4 class

4\5B Mme Ammon  26 Moving 10 Gr.4 students

Adding 10 Gr.5 students

**Will become a straight Gr 5 class

5/6A Mme Parisi  30 Moving 10 Gr. 5 students

Adding 5 Gr.6 students

6B Mme Roberts  30 Moving 5 Gr. 6 students 25


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