School Council
What is Gateway Drive School Council?
The Gateway Drive School Council is a passionate group of parents and school staff that come together to support and enrich student learning. We organize community events and fundraisers such as the annual Dance-A-Thon, Winter Market, Family Day Skate, and Gatorfest family fun night. We engage community partners to enhance important school programs and lead the Community Garden.
The School Council acts as an advisory body which represents the parents, staff, and students within the community. They provide input to the Principal and, where applicable, to the board. The council contributes to improving the students’ environment and learning by working co-operatively with the staff and parent community.
If you were on School Council, you could:
Provide input on fundraising and community events
Participate on committees (Communications, Fundraising, Eco)
Be an executive member (Chair, Treasurer, or Secretary)
Provide input on the allocation of funds from fundraising efforts
Participate in decision making for council led programs and initiatives
Be informed about school and board decisions and programs
Council member responsibilities:
Attend and participate in monthly council meetings (typically eight per year)
Contribute positively to discussions at meetings
Solicit the views of other parents and the community to share at meetings
We invite all members of the school community to join the School Council at any point in the year. New ideas are always welcomed, and we thrive on teamwork! Please consider joining our enthusiastic team or volunteering your time at one of our great events.
The School Council meets the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm in the library with an option to join virtually.
You can also stay informed by following Gateway Drive Public School Council on Facebook where regular updates are posted, or, feel free to reach out to us by email any time at
On behalf of the School Council, we’re glad you’re a part of the Gator community!
School Council Minutes: