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Online Book Options


Flyleaf Publishing Online Materials Portal

Flyleaf Publishing is offering this online materials portal as a free resource to help facilitate reading instruction and learning during this challenging time of school closures due to the Coronavirus outbreak.


SPELD SA Phonics Books- free

The books are grouped in a developing order based on the order of sounds introduced in the Jolly Phonics early literacy program,

Each book is published with suggestions on how parents, tutors and teachers can get the most out of the book.

SPELD SA provides phonic readers free of charge that suit a variety of ages and abilities. Please use these readers at your discretion accounting for your child or children’s abilities, ages and needs.

Half P Kids

Half-Pint Readers Decodable Books

Half Pint Readers Decodable books are now available to read for free through their website. These books can help provide additional reading practice at home during school closures. Parents may need some direction in selecting the “right” fit type of book that matches their child’s current reading skills and decoding ability.

Books are clearly organized beginning with basic code phonics patterns (word families) and then advanced code patterns are introduced (digraphs and silent /e/.) There are also theme specific books that are still organized according to phonics patterns to build vocabulary skills and background knowledge (i.e. community helpers, outer space, farm, Arctic, jungle.) Students can simply just click on a book cover to begin reading.

Beyond Decodables

This website provides access to free research based, teacher approved, decodable books that are culturally sensitive.

Other Online Book Options

Overdrive (all you need is a public library card)

SORA reading

Unite for literacy

CBC Kids News


Bookflix (subscription required)

Reading A-Z (subscription required *ask your child’s teacher)