Family-Teacher Interviews

Posted November 9, 2023

K to 8 interviews are booked ONLINE unless your child’s teacher has communicated something differently. Please follow the directions below to book an interview online with your child’s teachers. Interviews are a wonderful opportunity for parents, teachers and students to work collaboratively to discuss, plan and set effective next steps for individual student achievement goals. Students are invited to attend the interviews. The online booking system will open on November 16th and will remain open until November 20th.

Instructions for ONLINE booking:
1: Visit:
2: Input student’s OEN# (found at the top of the student’s report card)
3: Input student’s date of birth
4: From “Teacher List” select which teacher(s) you would like an interview with.
Select “Show Appointment Schedule”.
Select time(s) and choose “Book Appointment”.

Categories: News