Glenbrook 2020/21 School Year Start Up

Posted August 28, 2020


Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year!

We are looking forward to welcoming all of our new and returning students back to Glenbrook this September!

As you are aware, the Upper Grand District School Board has put extensive plans in place for the school year.  Our school has now created plans that include both operational changes (how we manage the people and resources within the school) and health and safety changes (our response to the COVID pandemic).  We hope this document will help answer your questions about the specifics about the opening day and first week of school.

Please also look through our board Parent Handbook, for more detailed information about the changes for this school year.  There is also a link to the Board Website and the Parent Question and Answer (Q&A) page.

Link to Parent Handbook

Link to Board Website and Parent Q & A

Staggered Entry

We will be having a “staggered entry” for all students this year. Please refer to this link for details:  Further information will be posted on social media and through a UGDSB press release.

Before Coming to School

COVID-19 Screening:

–       All parents must screen their children every day before leaving home for symptoms of COVID-19.  If there are symptoms, children need to stay home from school.  If COVID-19 is suspected, testing is recommended.

–       Link to self-screening tool

What to Bring to School 

Please keep your child’s personal items to a minimum!  To support a safe and comfortable environment, students are asked to bring the following items clearly labelled with the student’s name:

–       Knapsack or tote bag for personal belongings

–       Face masks – they may need more than one

–       Personal water bottle

–       Seasonal outdoor wear (we are not requiring ‘indoor shoes’ at this time)

–       Only those items that are necessary for the day (e.g., pencil case, calculator, pens, pencils)

–       Students may bring their own devices, but they must be wiped by the student upon entry and before leaving at the end of the day

Note: Lockers and change rooms will not be used for the 2020-2021 school year. Students will be required to keep all personal belongings with them throughout the day.

Note: Additional information will be provided to families about how the school will help students manage winter boots and coats when cold weather arrives.

How Will I Know What Class My Child is In? 

Families will be called prior to the first day of school for students.  During this call, parents will be informed of teacher and room location.


First Day Procedures

Morning Drop Off:

Information specific to Glenbrook will be posted on our school website ( and emailed to those parents who’ve signed up to receive school communication ( during the week of Aug. 31-Sept. 4 regarding drop off and pick up routines.

Specific information will include:

Drop off procedures

Kiss & Ride procedures

Bus drop off

We ask that each household limit themselves to 1 parent/guardian accompanying children. This is to aid in physical distancing for the safety of our students, staff, and community.

On your child’s first day, send a minimal amount of items. All items will remain with your child during the day and return home. Your child’s teacher will share routines and supplies that they will need for the first week and month of school.

Designated Entry Doors:

To facilitate speedy entry in the morning and to limit unnecessary travel through the building, each class will be assigned an entry/exit door. This will be the only door that students will use for entering the building, for accessing outdoor activities (and recess) and for departing at the end of the school day.

Entry and exit and many other new school procedures will be reviewed with students during the first few days of school.

School Greeters:

An adult “Greeter” will be present in the school in the mornings. They will remind students to put on a mask, to socially distance as they enter the building, and they may assist with hand sanitizer.

Class Meeting location:

Details of where students will line up will be shared during the parent call prior to the first day of school.

Late Arrival:

Students who arrive after their class has entered Glenbrook, will come through the front door and check in at the office. Parents are not to come into the building. If there is any communication that needs to come to the office, please call 519-925-0580. Please remind your child to check into the office before going to the classroom.

At entry and dismissal times, parents are to remain outside the school and adhere to physical distancing protocols.  Please help us to make this successful by dropping your child off and quickly exiting school property.

Entering the Building:

○      Entry to school by class, single file, maintaining physical distancing, led by the teacher.

○      Students will enter and exit the building in an orderly, controlled manner.

○      All students and staff must sanitize their hands and put on masks upon entry into school and stay physically distanced.

○      Regular hand washing will take place.

○      Students will walk on the right-hand side of the hall while keeping space and following arrows on the floor.

Recess Information:

●      All classes must remain in their homeroom to eat snacks and lunch

●      Masks do not need to be worn on the yard where physical distancing can occur.

●      Wash hands/sanitize before and after eating.

●      No sharing food.

●      Use water bottles and filling stations and not water fountains.

●      Students eat at their individual station in their own classrooms.

●      Physical distancing must be maintained during eating.

●      Students will be asked to take home their recyclables.

End of Day Procedures:

○      Students will be dismissed in a similarly organized manner to how they enter the building and classroom, with teacher support to reinforce expectations.

○      Students must be physically distanced and wearing a face covering at the school and sanitize hands before leaving the classroom.

○      No unstructured play in the school yard after school.

○      No parents in the building to pick up students.

○      Students must leave school at the bell.


Communication with the School

We will be sending home our regular package of information on the first day of school.  Please complete the forms, and return them to your child’s teacher as soon as you can.

Access to the School

Only essential visitors are permitted inside the school (e.g., maintenance personnel).

All parents and visitors will not be permitted inside schools during the pandemic, except in case of emergency. At entry and dismissal times, parents are to remain outside the school and adhere to physical distancing protocols.


Public Health Information

●      Public Health back to school info.

●      Public Health Self Screening tool.

●      WDGPH has a list of school related resources.




Categories: News