
Help the UGDSB make positive change – complete the Student Census today!

Posted September 19, 2022

The “UGDSB Counts Student Census” launches today for all Upper Grand District School Board students in grades Kindergarten-12. Participation in the Student Census will help the UGDSB make systemic changes that will create more equitable outcomes for all students. 

Read more about Help the UGDSB make positive change – complete the Student Census today! »

Wellness Works: Welcome Back!

Posted September 15, 2022

The Upper Grand District School Board is continuing with the Wellness Works monthly themes across all grades in the 2022-2023 school year. For September we are once again bringing our collective focus to the theme of: WELCOME, CONNECTION and BELONGING.

Read more about Wellness Works: Welcome Back! »

New School and Child Care Screening Tool is available online

Posted September 1, 2022

The Ministry of Health and the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health have provided a new “School and Child Care” screening tool. It is recommended that students/children and visitors continue to self-screen for illness every day before attending school or child care using this updated Screening Tool.

Read more about New School and Child Care Screening Tool is available online »

Back to School! Information for students and families

Posted August 29, 2022

It’s back to school season! We are excited to welcome and welcome back all students and families to the Upper Grand. To help make the transition back to school smoother for our students and families, we are sharing a website with information about back to school.

Read more about Back to School! Information for students and families »

Register your child for school on August 30

Posted August 23, 2022

On August 30, 2022 from 1 PM to 4 PM, registration will open online for parents and guardians to register their child to their home elementary school.

Read more about Register your child for school on August 30 »

Run to be a school board trustee!

Posted July 25, 2022

As the next municipal elections approach on October 24, 2022, the Upper Grand District School Board is seeking nominations for school board trustees for the 2022-2023 school year. School Board Trustees have a big impact on shaping the education system for Upper Grand students. The UGDSB is looking for individuals who can ‘re-engage, re-fresh, and re-imagine’ the best education system for the students in our community.

Read more about Run to be a school board trustee! »

Elementary report cards available for download starting next week

Posted June 14, 2022

The UGDSB is continuing to use the online report card system for the 2021-22 school year.

If you previously accessed our Electronic Report Card system this year, no action is required at this time. If your email address has changed, please contact your school office coordinator.

Read more about Elementary report cards available for download starting next week »

The 2022 Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) Annual Review Report was approved

Posted May 25, 2022

The 2022 Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) Annual Review Report was approved at the Board Meeting of the Upper Grand District School Board on May 24, 2022. This purpose of this report is to review updated data and any other changes affecting accommodation. It is necessary for staff to monitor the relevance of the Board’s work plan priorities. The LTAP review report also provides the status of the 5-year work plan priorities identified for 2018-2022.

Read more about The 2022 Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) Annual Review Report was approved »

Policy feedback opportunity: Policy 312 Website and Social Media Management

Posted April 27, 2022

The following board policy currently under review was released for public consultation: 312 – Website and Social Media Management

Read more about Policy feedback opportunity: Policy 312 Website and Social Media Management »

Reminders of health and safety guidance during the sixth COVID-19 wave

Posted April 12, 2022

Public Health officials expect the sixth wave of COVID-19 to last for another several weeks, and we are asking for everyone’s help to get us through this latest wave. 

Read more about Reminders of health and safety guidance during the sixth COVID-19 wave »

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