Return to School – Additional Information (September 3rd)

Posted September 3, 2021

Hello MPS Families,

We are excited to welcome students back on Tuesday, September 7th, and we are confident that our schools are safe and healthy spaces for students and staff.

Just a friendly reminder thatparent/guardians will need to complete Daily School Screening with each child prior to arriving at school. If there are symptoms, children need to stay home from school. If COVID-19 is suspected, testing is recommended.

There have been some revisions to the UGDSB School Operations handbook for Families. The FOLLOWING LINK will take you to the Board website where you can download this document. This information is in addition to the information shared in our MPS Return to School document on our school website has been updated and hanges have been highlighted in orange.

With this in mind, there are a few items I would like to share:

First Day – Grade signs will be placed outside on the first day, and staff will come outside to help organize students into their new classes. Parents/guardians may walk their child to their grade sign, and then we are asking that parents/guardians leave the yard. As classes will be mixing at this time, we are asking that everyone wear a mask during this transition.

MaskingAll students in UGDSB are required to wear properly fitted non-medical or cloth masks while they are indoors in the school (i.e., hallways, classrooms, during class, on school transportation, etc.). Masks may be temporarily removed indoors (while following social distancing) during low-contact physical activities or when consuming food or drink. Students are not required to wear masks outdoors if they are playing with members of their class, but distancing between individuals will be encouraged as much as possible. If students play with peers from other classes, masks must be worn.

Recess on the First Day – On the first day of school, classes will have recess on their assigned area of the yard. As they are with members of their class during this time, they may play without a mask as long as they are distancing. Line locations, distancing, hand hygiene, and masks will be used to support entry to the building.

Recess after the First Day – Students may choose to play on their assigned recess area, and they may choose to play with members of their class without a mask while distancing. If students choose to play with students in other classes, all students playing together must wear a mask. Line locations, distancing, hand hygiene, and masks will be used to support entry to the building.

Creative Playgrounds – Will be closed during the first week of school during recesses; but will be opened the second week. Students may play in these areas as long as they are wearing masks (as different classes might play in this area).

Gym – Outdoor activities will be utilized as much as possible. Low impact activities with masks might take place in the gym (i.e., due to weather).

We do appreciate your continued patience and support!

Mr. Dickieson and the Staff at Maryborough PS

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