Every Day Counts! Student Support Week 1:

Posted April 11, 2024

Is your child struggling with attending school? We are here to help! Throughout the month of April we will be sharing tips and strategies with parents/guardians to help encourage regular school attendance – because Every Day Counts!

This week, we are going to focus on strategies around attitudes and beliefs – try some of these tips at home!
Keep in mind that attendance issues can quickly escalate. Parents/guardians need to intervene and reach out for support as early as possible before it becomes the norm.
Keep the expectation in your home of attending school and staying all day. Don’t give up. Even if your child is anxious about school, ensure the expectation of regular attendance doesn’t change. Work with the issue, not around it.
Talk to your child to find out what is behind them not wanting to go to school. Anxiety can show up in a lot of ways and one of them can be not wanting to go to school. Encourage your child to talk back to their anxiety! Tell themselves they can do it!
Ask questions about your child’s worries about school. Although you know your child well, try not to assume you know the answers. Keep an open mind. Validate your child’s concerns.
If your child is having difficulty with attendance try setting a goal with them such as if they attend for a certain amount of time, they can have a special treat or do a special activity.

For more information, please visit the UGDSB website: https://www.ugdsb.ca/parents/student-attendance-at-school-tips-and-strategies-for-families/

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