From the Principal’s Desk – September 18, 2023
Good morning, Arbour Vista families!
We hope that this message finds you well and that our students are enthusiastic about their start to the new school year. As I visit classrooms I see students hard at work, engaged and eager to share their learning. I’m getting to know students and the school community and I thank you for the warm welcome.
Good attendance and punctuality are essential to maximize school achievement. Attendance is taken in the morning and afternoon of each school day. Students are marked absent if they are not in class on time. Students arriving late must check in at the office so the office attendance register can be amended to show a late arrival.
Erin Oak Kids – Occupational Therapist
Thank you for not parking in our Kiss and Ride Zone and having students exit from the right side of the car. This allows for less congestion and a smoother drop off in the morning.
Arbour Vista is registered for the Terry Fox School Run on September 22 at 1:00 p.m. Students will run and/or walk around the perimeter of the school property, supervised by staff. Donations are being accepted through Cash Online.
Last year Arbour Vista raised $750.00! Help us reach our goal of $1000.00 for our 2023 run.
Once again, Pizza is available on Wednesdays and Fridays. To order, please visit School Cash Online. Proceeds will cover busing, additional field trip costs and whole school activities. Our first pizza date is October 4, 2023. The online orders will close on September 27, 2023.
Celebrating special events and occasions at school is a great way to create a positive atmosphere. Please consider celebrating with non-food items such as pencils, stickers, books, puzzles, or board games. Food items come with risks for our students with life-threatening food allergies or medical conditions. To reduce the risk of student exposure to allergens, the classroom teacher must approve any food items brought in before the event. If approved, please ensure all ingredients are listed on the food item.
Have a fantastic week!
Mme Hare
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