From the Principal’s Desk – November 27, 2023

Posted November 27, 2023

Hello Arbour Vista families, 

Parent-Teacher Interview Night was a success.It’s clear that our school community is deeply committed to student success.Your active involvement and dedication to your child’s education  is crucial and appreciated. Notably, students were proud to share their work and classroom experiences.


Mark your calendars! Are you ready to be wowed? The students at Arbour Vista have been busy practising their dance moves . The theme this year is Broadway and there are 2 showtimes available for viewing. We kindly ask that families with a last name beginning with letters A-L  come to the 11:00 am show and that families with a last name beginning with letters M-Z come to the 1:15pm showing. 

Please note that seating will be first come, first served. We would kindly ask that anyone choosing to attend the performance stay for the duration, out of respect for all performers.  The show is approximately 1 hour long. Please refer to the “dancEd Finale Information” email for more information, including class themes and dress suggestions.

Lost and Found

While you are in the school for the danceEd  performance please remember to take a look at the lost and found table.  All items that are not picked up will be donated during the holidays.

10 Days of Giving

This year, our school is running our annual “The 10 Days of Giving” in support of Guelph’s Women in Crisis! Each day, students are invited to bring in the selected donation item in support of this important organization. The “10 Days of Giving” will begin on Monday, December 4th and run until Friday, December 15th. All donations must be new, unused items. Here is a list of the suggested donations.

December 4- Underwear for women, teens and children

December 5- Slippers and Bathrobes

December 6- Pajamas

December 7- Winter gear, coats, and boots

December 8- Baby Diapers 

December 11- Umbrellas

December 12- Hair styling products

December 13- Journals and Craft Supplies

December 14- Children and Adult Colouring books 

December 15- Items for teens: headphones, gift cards for fast food, cineplex, Best Buy, etc. 

Throughout our donation period, we will also accept grocery gift cards and other gift cards (ex. Giant Tiger, Gas Cards, Walmart, phone cards, etc.) as well as any personal care items for women, teen girls and boys, and children. Any toiletries donated must be full-sized, unscented or mildly scented.

Thank you for your help supporting this organization in our community!

Grad Wear

Grade 8 is such an exciting year for our students. To commemorate this special time, Class of 2024 hoodies are available for purchase online. To ensure that all students receive this keepsake, we have also included a “donation” option on Cash Online, for families wishing to contribute to an additional hoodie.

Health and Wellness

‘Tis the season for respiratory illness. Linked is information from WDG Public Health Protecting Yourself and Others from Respiratory Illness .

If you have symptoms and or have tested positive , you can access the Self-Assessment tool to determine your next steps. 

Have a great week,

Mme Hare


Categories: NewsNewsletters