From the Principal’s Desk – December 4, 2023

Posted December 4, 2023

Dear Arbour Vista families, 

What a week! Who knew that we had such a talented group of dancers! The joy and energy that filled the room were truly unforgettable. Seeing the smiles on everyone’s faces was a pleasure, and we know that the staff and students had an incredible time showcasing their talents.

Your support means the world to us, and having you there to witness the performances added an extra layer of warmth to the event. These moments of connection with the parent community are invaluable, and we are grateful to share such special occasions with you.

Danced has been reopened on School Cash online until Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. for those who have not had the opportunity to contribute. If you have already made your payment, it should not appear when you log in to School Cash Online.

10 Days of Giving

This year, our school is running our annual “The 10 Days of Giving” in support of Guelph’s Women in Crisis! Students are invited to bring the selected donated item to support this vital organization daily. The “10 Days of Giving” will begin on Monday, December 4 and run until Friday, December 15. All donations must be new, unused items. Here is a list of the suggested donations! 

December 4- Underwear for women, teens and children

December 5- Slippers and Bathrobes

December 6- Pajamas

December 7- Winter gear, coats, and boots

December 8- Baby Diapers 

December 11- Umbrellas

December 12- Hair styling products

December 13- Journals and Craft Supplies

December 14- Children and Adult Colouring books 

December 15- Items for teens: headphones, gift cards for fast food, cineplex, Best Buy, etc. 

Throughout our donation period, we will also accept grocery gift cards and other gift cards (ex. Giant Tiger, Gas Cards, Walmart, phone cards, etc.) and any personal care items for women, teen girls and boys, and children. Any toiletries donated must be full-sized, unscented or mildly scented.

We appreciate your help supporting this organization in our community!

Picture Retakes

Picture Retake Proofs have been sent home with students. The password for each individual student is on the proof. If you did not receive a proof and know that your child had a retake done, please contact Mme Schletz in the office and she can give you the password over the phone.

Grade 3

Grade 3 students will bring home the results of the CCAT-7 that was administered on October 18 today. Included is a letter explaining the score and how to interpret the results.

Faith Days During December

 Acknowledging and celebrating days of faith is an important aspect of many religious traditions and cultures. Different faiths have their own holy days, festivals, and observances that hold significance for their followers. During the month of December, please see the days that will be acknowledged and celebrated by some members of our school community. Please note that there is diversity within faith communities and that no one list can represent all faith traditions or observances.


December 3-24 Advent Christianity
December 7-15 Chanukka (Hanukkah) Judaism
December 13 Birthday of Imam Aga Khan Islam
December 22  Winter Solstice, Yule Indigenous, Wicca
December 25 Christmas Christianity


Have a great week,

Mme Hare

Categories: NewsNewsletters