From the Principal’s Desk – April 22, 2024

Posted April 22, 2024

 Dear Arbour Vista Families, 

Happy Monday, everyone! I hope you had a lovely weekend and were able to find some time to connect with family and friends.  

As part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring a safe environment, we want to remind everyone about the importance of walking bikes on school property. 

We kindly request that all students walking or riding bikes to school adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Walk bikes on school grounds: To prevent accidents and ensure the safety of pedestrians, including fellow students and staff, please remind your children to walk their bikes once they enter school property. This includes sidewalks, pathways, and all designated school areas.
  • Use designated bike racks: Upon arrival at school, students should securely park their bikes in the designated bike racks provided. This helps maintain order and prevents obstruction of pathways.
  • Respect traffic rules: For students riding bikes to school, please emphasize the importance of obeying traffic rules, including traffic signals and stop signs, when approaching and leaving school premises.
  • Stay vigilant: Encourage students to be mindful of their surroundings and to watch out for other pedestrians, especially during busy arrival and dismissal times.

By adhering to these guidelines, we can create a safer and more enjoyable environment for everyone at our school. We appreciate your cooperation and support in reinforcing these important safety measures with your children.

Attendance- Every Day Counts

This week our tips for supporting your child’s attendance at school focuses on ways to involve the school. See below for some strategies you could try. 

  • Know that there are supports in your child’s school.  Connect with them as soon as an issue starts. Connecting earlier is better than when your child has missed a lot of school.
  • If your child wants to leave school, try to have them connect with a caring adult in the school first to see if things can be worked out before your child goes home.
  • Reach out to your school Principal and/or Guidance department for help if your child is not coming to school.  Let’s talk!  There is no judgement!
  • A welcoming school approach has proven to be quite effective. Ensure your child is familiar with their school Principal, Vice-Principal and other caring adults in the building.
  • Talk to the school team about anything you are hearing might be difficult for your child at school.  School staff are always ready to help problem solve.
  • Have a mental health plan created with your child and school staff and ensure there is a safe place to go in the school when your child may need some quiet time.
  • If going into the classroom is hard – remember coming into the school building and meeting with a caring adult in a safe space is an important step in getting back to school.

What to do when the strategies tried haven’t worked. 

  • Be consistent! Don’t give up. And know that there are supports for parents if you need them. “Put on your own oxygen mask, before others.”
  • There are resources available within schools and community supports if there are other barriers to attendance such as having enough food for lunches.
  • Here’s a great resources with existing handouts and evidence based information: 

Leftover Pizza Sale

Leftover pizza continues to be available to grade 7 and 8 students for $2.50.  Funds will be put towards supporting literacy (books, games, resources, home readers).

Cell Phones

Recently, we have observed an increased use of cell phones during instructional time and at recess. While we understand that cell phones can serve as valuable tools for communication and learning, it is crucial to maintain boundaries to ensure a productive learning environment for all students.

During class time, cell phone usage should be limited to educational purposes only, as directed by the teacher.  Outside of these times, phones should be kept in student backpacks or lockers.

We kindly request your support in reinforcing the importance of responsible cell phone usage with your child. Please remind your child that if they need to make a call during school hours, that they are welcome to visit the school office, where we are happy to assist them. 

Spring Clean-Up

In celebration of Earth Day, our school is organizing a special clean-up event, where students will come together to care for our environment and school grounds. Equipped with plastic gloves for safety, we’ll embark on a mission to tidy up every corner of our school yard. Before we begin, a thorough review of safety rules will ensure that everyone understands the importance of caution, emphasizing principles like not picking up anything unfamiliar or sharp. This collective effort not only contributes to the well-being of our environment but also fosters a sense of pride and responsibility within our school community. By taking care of our property, we demonstrate our commitment to preserving the beauty of our surroundings and making a positive impact on the world around us.

Grade 8 Parents

Please look to cash online for the final payment of the grade 8 trip.


Please look to the school calendar for additional dates

Have a great week!

Mme Hare

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