Updates: Jump Rope For Heart, CMES Talent Show, and Mental Health Week

Posted May 3, 2018

Jump Rope for Heart
Friday, May 11th is the Jump Rope for Heart Event Day at CMES! We have just one more week to keep raising money for this great cause! Be sure to reach out to friends and family for donations. Our school’s Jump Rope for Heart fundraising goal is $3000. Let’s all try very hard to meet this goal! If we reach this goal, we will all get to see Mrs. L and Mrs. PapaV wear silly costumes for a day! This is a great way to have some fun, raise money for a really great cause, and win some prizes.
Talent Show
We will be holding our Talent Show at CMES on June 7th! Auditions will be held next week. Primary auditions will take place Tuesday, May 8th at second recess in the gym, Junior auditions will be on Wednesday, May 9th at 2nd recess in the gym, and Intermediate auditions will be Thursday, May 10th at second recess in the gym. Please bring any music, props, or items that you may need! Please also make sure all music and props are school appropriate.
Mental Health Week
It is Mental Health Awareness Week at CMES Monday May 7th to Friday May 11th! Our school will be participating in many activities throughout the week. Monday’s focus is on ‘Social Connections’ and our entire school will be making friendship chains to hang in the hallways and front foyer of our school. Tuesday’s focus is on ‘Understanding Emotions’ and we will be putting up a gratitude wall in our school. This will be a place where staff and students can go and write something they are grateful for or something they appreciate, and will be on display in our school all week! Wednesday’s focus is on ‘Personal Health’ and the entire school will be spending an extra 15 minutes outside to get active and appreciate nature. Wednesday is also Wear Green Day! Wear any green you have to support mental health! Thursday’s focus is on ‘Empathy’ and understanding others. All students will be given a rock to paint, and we will be putting all of these rocks in the garden of our school to show off all of our unique individuals in our school! Friday’s focus is ‘Resilience’ and our school will be creating acrostic poems and pictures of their names to describe what they like about themselves and what makes them happy!

Categories: News