Safety First! CMES Parking Lot

Posted February 3, 2019

When you enter our CMES parking lots, please ensure that you are always watching closely for any pedestrians, especially our children who can be small and hard to see.  Ensure that you are driving slowly and checking for children before entering or exiting the parking lot.

A friendly reminder to parents/guests that the upper parking lot is a KISS AND RIDE ZONE ONLY. Please do not stay in this area after you drop off your child.  Staff needs to park in the staff parking areas, as well as, other parents dropping children off need access to the curb.  If you need to stay longer with your child, park in the lower parking lot.

A reminder that students should not be dropped off at CMES early in the morning before 8:15 am.  Supervision of students does not start until 8:15 am.

End of the day pick up, please do not leave your vehicle, do not park in the middle fire/emergency lane blocking vehicles trying to exit, pull up and pick up.  If your child is late, park in the lower lot or consider parking on a side street or to the left of our school on Blind Line, numerous parking spots (two inlets) and walk to our school.  Your children can also walk to a designated pick up areas as we have crossing guards at both ends of the school property.

Thank you for your assistance in this very important safety matter concerning our CMES students.


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