UGDSB Math Update October 2018

Posted September 25, 2018

Upper Grand students are doing well with basic math knowledge and skills. We see this from EQAO data, from PRIME diagnostic assessments, and from observations and conversations with students. However, our students are struggling with number fluency and flexibility. They often have a single strategy or procedure to solve a problem and when that one doesn’t work in  a particular situation, they are out of luck. Our students also struggle to judge the reasonableness of their solutions. We want our students to demonstrate accuracy, flexibility, and efficiency in math and Number Talks can support the development of all three.

The goal behind Number Talks is to fill students’ toolboxes with multiple strategies (fluency) and for them to get better at communicating their mathematical thinking. It has been stressed in face-to-face PD sessions that we have to provide students with opportunities to independently practice the documentation of their own thinking. Once a week, instead of conducting a number talk, have your students answer a similar question on GOOS paper or a whiteboard.


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