Spring is just days away!

Posted March 18, 2019

Hi Eramosa Families!
The first day of Spring is just days away so hopefully we are done with the snow and ice and warmer weather is on its way!

ELMIRA POULTRY ORDERS PICKUP is this Thursday at the school between 3 and 5pm. Please arrange during this time to come to the school to have your orders picked up. No orders will be sent home on the bus. Thanks!

Good luck to our Junior Choir and Junior Floor Hockey Team who will be representing our school at competitions this week!

The Next PD Day is Friday April 5th, please remember the school will be closed for students on this day.

We are in need of fill in lunchtime supervisors. If you or someone you know are willing to share an hour a week at the school helping monitor students during lunch and recess please contact Mrs. Kent in the office for more details. Thanks!

We need your pictures! If you have any pictures of school events from this year (field trips, assemblies, etc.) that you’d like to share, we would like to include them in our yearbook. Please send them to Mrs. McKnight on a data stick to help make the transfer smooth (and of course the stick will be returned promptly).

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Our parking lot is a very busy place during the school day. When dropping off and picking up your child(ren) from school please accompany them across the parking lot when on foot to ensure everyone is safe. Thank you!

We are really lucky to have lots of outdoor spaces to play in during recess, this means sometimes students get wet from snow and puddles. We always section off areas that are too muddy/wet to play in but quite often students still get wet incidentally from their creative play. Please pack an extra pair or two of mitts, warm socks and other items your child(ren) may need to stay warm and dry throughout the day. Thanks!

For our full calendar and up to date information from the school, school board and connected community organizations visit our website: https://www.ugdsb.ca/eramosa/

Happy Spring!

Categories: NewsNewsletter