School Reorganization: September 21, 2020

Posted September 16, 2020

Hello everyone.


Below is information we share every year regarding the reasoning behind any potential reorganization.  As you are aware, this has been an extraordinary beginning of school.  While the majority of children have returned to the school building, there are a number who are attending a remote, online version.  To accommodate that, there are two arrangements in place; a temporary one that will be made up our school population until students return, and a regular organization that is comprised of all students who would normally attend Eramosa.


For that reason, one of our Kindergarten classes will temporarily be folded into the other one.  Mr. Warmington and Ms. Jackson will be in charge of those students.  Ms. Ieropoli, who is currently teaching Kindergarten B will be temporarily placed at the remote online school.  When or if children return to the school building, the two classes would be reformed.  This change will commence on Monday, September 21st.


Below is a detailed explanation of the staffing requirements under which our Board must operate.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].




Re: School Organizations


Schools have built class lists based on their tentative organizations. Changes may be necessary at your child(ren)’s school in order that our Board remain compliant with Ministry parameters (see below). Any changes would be implemented during the week of September 21st. Principals do not have the option of changing the school organization that is set by the District Staffing Committee of the Board. If changes affect your child(ren), you will be informed by the school.


Ministry of Education Parameters


Full Day Kindergarten Class Size Average for the Board is 26 students

90% of Full Day Kindergarten classes with 29 or fewer students

10% of Full Day Kindergarten classes up to a maximum of 32 students

90% of the Board’s primary classes with 20 or fewer students

10% of the Board’s primary classes up to a maximum of 23 students

Grade 3/4 classes have a cap of 23 students

Junior/Intermediate Class Size Average for the Board is 24.5 students to 1 teacher

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