Information for You About Report Cards

Posted May 10, 2021

May 10, 2021

Dear parents/guardians,

As you know, this year has continued to present challenges with many transitions between in-school and remote learning. Please know that we appreciate your patience and support as we have all worked together.

In June, your child will receive their report card for Term 2. You will see your child’s achievement for Term 1, and will see their achievement and comments for Term 2. Student work that has been completed and assessed during both in-class and remote learning will be factored into the final mark.

If students have not participated to a full extent in remote learning and teachers are not able to determine a grade for the report card due to insufficient evidence, you will see the letter ‘I’ and comments for Term 2. This does not mean that your child did not complete any work. It means that there has not been enough evidence gathered to accurately report a grade. For these students, teachers will reach out to families and provide additional information so that parents are aware, prior to receiving the June report card.

During these final two months of learning for the 2020 – 2021 school year, please continue to reach out to your child’s teacher if you wish to discuss your child’s progress.

Thanks to our students, their families and our staff for their continued commitment, tenacity and dedication as we made our way through another school year that has continued to be “like no other”.


Paul Tribe, Principal

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