School Council Meeting Minutes – Oct 2023

Posted November 15, 2023

Meeting Location: JMQ Library / Zoom Meeting Time: 6:30pm

  • Welcome

In Attendance: Deanne Prins (principal), Lija Tovell, Seanna Murphy, Shelby Isaac, Amy Shields, Zoe & Corey Grant, Erin Longworth, Bronwyn Tolmie, Sarah Lennox, Sarah Barrow

  • Land Acknowledgement
  • Principal’s Report

-We had the Terry Fox run where we raised almost $700 and welcomed parents to join us. Thanks to Sarah Dean for organizing!

-Truth and Reconciliation week was Sept. 25-29 and Orange Shirt Day was recognized on Sept 29th. Students engaged in age-appropriate conversations, read alouds and videos in order to foster understanding, including the meaning of “Indigenous, Reconciliation” and the importance of land acknowledgements.

-Had our first pizza day and started the milk program.

-Had our Open House. Thanks to Council for supplying the cider and goodies and swag table. All were a big hit. As well over 50 families ordered pizzas from New Orleans. It was a great community event. Teachers hosted families in their classrooms with wonderful interactive table-top activities, displays and videos showcasing student learning.

-Cross Country Meet for Grades 1-3 will take place October 17th. Almost 80 of our students have been practicing. Many thanks to Mrs. Grist and Mme terHaar for organizing!

-Grade 3s will do the CCAT testing.

-Photo Day is October 24th

-October 31 is Halloween and students are invited to join are parade from 2-3pm. Parents are welcome!

  • Movie Night Planning

Amy will get popcorn donated for both nights and will purchase juice boxes for the event (planning 160 per evening). So far there are 24 people signed up for the first movie and 10 for the second one, but numbers are expected to increase as we get closer to the date. Seanna to create a sign-up sheet for volunteer roles. We will look into getting small paper bags for serving. The Food Bank will deliver containers to receive donations.

  • Looking ahead to next events (e.g., possible Winter bazaar?)

We have had three different fundraising opportunities arise that could be done before the Winter holidays. We discussed different ways to offer these items to the school community (e.g., flyer, order form, online ordering, etc.). Amy will contact vendors for next steps and create the flyer.

Between movie nights and fundraisers, we have a busy Fall and will save the idea of bazaar or craft sale for next year.

  • Greening Sub-Committee


Deanne arranged for the purchase of the following items:

-1 large chalkboard (needs to be stained and installed)

-Small chalkboard set (3 tree-shaped chalkboards)

-3 small picnic tables (need to be assembled/stained; Shelby will look into assembling these)

-1 Funnel Stand (needs to be assembled)

( Plus 4 mud kitchens to be built by the tech class at CWDHS)

Bronwyn offered to be the lead person for the Greening committee; Deanne to include this in an email so that interested parents can join.

  • Other items / Questions?


Discussion of whether School Council could fund the buses for the upcoming Cross-Country event (approved by vote). Parents were wondering when specific events would happen during the Cross-Country time, so Deanne will send out that information.


Spirit Wear: We have quite a bit of Spirit Wear left over and discussed whether we should sell them off for $5 or raffle them off for free. Decision to do PWYC on Movie Night.

For the new batch of spirit wear orders (once the old stuff is out the door), we will look into having parent sizes/designs as well (e.g. “Parent of a JMQ student”). Lija has a contact who was in the business and will get in touch.


Decision made to move next School Council meeting to November 15th at 6:30pm.

Categories: School Council