Important letter regarding Term 1 Report Cards

Posted January 22, 2020

Dear parents/guardians of UGDSB elementary students:

I am writing with an important update on the term one report card for elementary students.  Currently, public elementary teachers across Ontario are taking part in a legal strike. This job action includes not writing report card comments and not inputting student marks electronically for the purpose of producing report cards. As a result, the Upper Grand District School Board will not be distributing term one report cards for elementary students.

Marks will not be provided to families or students at this time. In addition to the logistical challenges, providing marks without comments and proper context would not be considered fulsome feedback on student achievement of curriculum expectations.

I understand that this is disappointing – and I share that disappointment. At the same time, the report card is not the sole source of assessment data we have for your child. It is a summary of student progress. Our elementary teachers are skilled professionals and I am confident that throughout the school year they have kept you informed on the progress of your child.

As always, if you have any questions about the progress of your child, I encourage you to contact your child’s teacher prior to the end of the school year to discuss your child’s progress.


Martha Rogers
Director of Education & Secretary-Treasurer
Upper Grand District School Board

Categories: School News