JD Three – Week of November 20-24

Posted November 17, 2023

1) PA Day and Parent Teacher Interviews
November 21st is the last day to sign up for parent teacher interviews. Interviews will take place Thursday November 23rd in the evening and Friday November 24th during the PA Day.

2) Comfy Cozy Day
Thursday November 23rd is Comfy Cozy day. Wear your coziest attire and enjoy a comfy day!

3) Bus Delays and Cancellations
Stay informed about bus delays and snow day cancellations by subscribing to transportation notifications at https://stwdsts.ca/ or by downloading the Bus Planner app. Snow Day information is communicated centrally by the transportation department, and not by the school, so please ensure that you sign up for these important notifications.  JD Hogarth PS is in division 2, the BLUE zone.

Categories: School News