JD Three – Week of January 15 – 10

Posted January 12, 2024

  1. Inclement Weather Procedures
    Bus Cancellation: If your child is a bus student but you decide to drive your child to school, please ensure you have end of day arrangements made prior to dismissal time at 3:10.
    If your child is not a bus student but you decide to keep them home, you must call the school to report the absence.
    School Closure: If schools are closed, all students will shift to remote learning where possible.
  2. Opposite Day on Friday January 19th
  3. Immunization Reporting
    Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health (WDGPH) is required to collect and review immunization  records for all students. If the parent/guardian fails to update missing information, the student may be  suspended for up to 20 school days. Overdue notices are mailed to parents/guardians of students who have incomplete  immunization records on  file with WDGPH. If you have received a letter, you have until March 1 to submit complete immunization records to  WDGPH to avoid suspension.

Categories: School News