Environment Day

Posted June 1, 2022

Environment Day

Celebrate World Environment Day on June 5th 2022

 A Platform for Action- World Environment Day is the United Nations’ most important day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment and is widely celebrated in over 100 countries.

This year’s theme – Only One Earth!

Urge governments, industry, communities, and individuals to come together to explore grow trees, green our cities, and clean up rivers and coasts. We are the generation that can make peace with nature. https://www.worldenvironmentday.global/

Ideas for your family to celebrate World Environment Day!

  • Create an event for family, friends and neighbours –There is no end of ideas that you could take forward for World Environment Day. Surprise yourself! Think about ideas that we can do to help the planet like fixing a problem in your community. It can be as simple as a community clean-up, to a tree planting activity.
  • Get out into nature – World Environment Day is all about appreciating the beautiful planet we inhabit. Why not spend time in a park, hiking a trail or appreciating a forest walk? Or, have a picnic in the back yard!
  • Inspire others – A great idea will naturally attract others who will join and make your idea awesome. So, take your idea to reduce single use plastics, or to lug a mug to events or to promote an ecofriendly product and share it! Or ask everyone to make their own personal pledge to change one wasteful or harmful habit for the better. Share what you’re doing using the hashtag: #WorldEnvironmentDay
  • Make sure you have fun: Make your event for World Environment Day fun, inspiring and interesting. Google events happening locally that you can attend with family or friends, or check out Pinterest for fun, recycled crafts ideas.

For more information go to: What can schools do? Or What can individuals do? Or Google ‘World Environment Day activities’

Categories: News