School Council 2023/2024
A Welcome from School Council:
As a school council made up of parents, community members and staff, we would like to welcome you to Ken Danby Public School and encourage you to make a difference in your child’s education. The mandate of School Council is to provide guidance and input into the decision making of events that impact the wellbeing and academic success of our children. We support the academic, social and physical well-being of our students by raising funds to enrich their experiences, as well as by asking questions, sharing experiences and collaborating with the school staff.
Past and Present Initiatives supported with funds from School Council:
- Scientist in School program
- Forest of Reading programs
- Greening of the School Ground
- Maker Space
- Morning snack program
- Dances (ex: Valentine’s and Fall themed events)
- School-wide gatherings
We meet six times per year and everyone is welcome to attend, as well you can attend virtually through a Google Meet link if that’s more convenient. If you would like to be a voting member, you simply need to fill out a nomination form in September and attend at least four meetings a year. We look forward to seeing you!
2023/2024 School Council Agendas: