Monday, April 20th – Morning Announcements

Posted April 20, 2020

Bonjour tout le monde. Aujourd’hui c’est lundi le 20 avril, 2020. Si le monde nous attend, qu’est-ce que nous allons le montrer? If the world is waiting for us, what are we going to show it?

This week, let’s show we know ourselves. One of the Learning Skills is Self-Regulation, or we can think of it as Self-Monitoring. One thing to know is how to pace yourself: when can you work full-steam, and when do you need a break? There are different kinds of breaks that we can take, too. Our school board has set up a website that has some break ideas. Check it out: Body and Brain Breaks

How do you like to take a break? Take a photo or write a comment, then tweet it @kinggeorgeps or send it to [email protected]

Have a great day, King George!

Categories: News