Friday, April 24th – Morning Announcements

Posted April 24, 2020

Bonjour tout le monde. Aujourd’hui c’est vendredi le 24 avril, 2020. Si le monde nous attend, qu’est-ce que nous allons le montrer? If the world is waiting for us, what are we going to show it?

This week, let’s show Self-Regulation, or Self-Monitoring. Do you know when you need to ask for clarification or help, and then how to get the assistance you need? Instead of raising your hand, now you can post a public or private comment in your Google Classroom, send your teacher an email, or leave a message on their voicemail by phoning the school. When you’re asking, be specific about what task you need help with. Explain what you’ve already tried, and be as clear as you can. Following these steps will help your teacher understand how best to help you so you can keep moving forward with your learning.

For grades K to 3,  Forest of Reading Friday starts this week. Check out our virtual library site to see what is happening.

Have you read a good book lately? Take a photo or write a comment, then tweet it @kinggeorgeps or send it to [email protected]

Final reminder to parents: Please complete our Distance Learning Survey at We’ve had nearly 200 families respond already! Thanks for helping us plan for what you need.

Have a great day, King George!

Categories: News