Wednesday, April 29th – Morning Announcements

Posted April 29, 2020

Bonjour tout le monde. Aujourd’hui c’est mercredi le 29 avril, 2020. Si le monde nous attend, qu’est-ce que nous allons le montrer? If the world is waiting for us, what are we going to show it?

Today, let’s show responsibility in our Google Classrooms. Even though it’s online, it is still a space for learning. Being supportive and respectful of yourself and others is important. Here are some ways to show responsibility in Google Classroom. Please share your own ideas!

    1. participate in discussions
    2. keep in touch with the teacher
    3. use the Turn In button to show you’re done
    4. help out by answering a classmate’s question
    5. be respectful when posting

On Monday, we asked about school responsibilities: Jackson shared: “Our class did the recycling in the school every 2 weeks for the grades 3 to K! I had a lot of fun and we hope to do it again next year!”  Thanks to Jackson and his classmates for helping our school be environmentally friendly.

How are you practicing responsibility? Take a photo or write a comment, then tweet it @kinggeorgeps or send it to [email protected]

Have a great day, King George!

Categories: News