Tuesday, May 5th – Morning Announcements

Posted May 5, 2020

Bonjour tout le monde. Aujourd’hui c’est mardi le 5 mai, 2020. Si le monde nous attend, qu’est-ce que nous allons le montrer? If the world is waiting for us, what are we going to show it?

This week is Education and Mental Health Week. Yesterday, ‘M’ was for ‘Movement’ and King George students were taking the dog for a walk, gardening, and doing a plank challenge. 

Today’s ‘M’ is Meaningful Connections: Meaningful Connections are important because social interactions boost mental health. In these times of physical distancing, it is still possible to connect with loved ones and friends through video chats or by making a card.

Take a photo of a card you’ve made, or write a comment about how you’re connecting, then tweet it @kinggeorgeps or send it to [email protected]

KG Book Corner: Jackson recommends the book EPOCA because it is suspenseful at the end of chapters. He thinks we should definitely have it in the library at school. Thanks, Jackson!

Have a great day, King George!


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